Month: November 2021

This Pear Wine Recipe and Method makes a fantastic 1 gallon batch of light and refreshing white. It is quick to ferment and fast to mature. Full recipe ? ↓↓↓↓↓ “SHOW MORE” ↓↓↓↓↓ Chapters:- 0:00 Why and when to make pear wine 0:53 Pear wine recipe 5:17 7 days later You can find lots
Perhaps no industry was impacted more directly economically by the COVID-19 pandemic than restaurants. According to the National Restaurant Association, sales in 2020 were $240 billion below estimates and more than 110,000 restaurants closed their doors permanently that year. Even as the U.S. recovers in staggered steps, the pain continues, with staff shortages and rising
How do I taste wine? How do I smell? How do I taste? All these questions answered and more as we talk to Alpana Singh! If you’d like to help The Good Stuff stay alive go here If you’d like to tweet about The Good Stuff but can’t think of what to say, click