At Daniel, Chef Boulud’s food is delectable. But, of course, he has a huge, fully-staffed kitchen. Chef proved that you can get the same results in your own kitchen when he invited us into his home and braised a veal shoulder. (It was delicious.)
We are fortunate to be in a position to take the Santa Rita Hills AVA (if not the whole Central Coast of California) for granted these days. However it was the hard work and sacrifice that folks like Richard Sanford invested long ago which established it as a viable region and broadened the reputation of
Masi is well-known for being an outstanding producer in the Veneto of Amarone and Valpolicella wines. Campofiorin originally was a Valpolicella “Ripasso”, but now they have decided to take this rich red to another level entirely.
Learn how to taste wine! My sommelier friend Whitney tells us all about how to pull it off like a sophisticate. See More Whitney! // @ubriaca Find my Cookbook! Check out my Blog! Follow me on Instagram! Let’s be friends on Facebook! Say hello on Twitter! Tweets by KitchyKitchen
Hey y’all! Welcome back to the third installment of my Wine Taste With Me series. In this wine tasting I am ranking 3 cheap peach moscato wines from amazing to not so amazing. Usually, in this series, I try new wines to see if I can find one that I like, but I decided to
This White Wine Sauce Recipe is perfect for chicken, pasta, seafood, and veggies. I go over the basics for choosing wines for your sauces and how to make this sauce from scratch. Save yourself from having to go out to the store to get wine: CALIFORNIA WINE CLUB: Try a Discounted Club Membership: Ingredients
The junior version of a Robert Parker 100 point Bordeaux from Pomerol. Game on…
When owner Fabrizio Bianchi purchased this ancient estate 1962 he began a transformation that continues to this day. The vineyards have all been revitalized and the winemaking is modern and up-to-date.
Napa Valley Vintners board chair Jack Bittner called the Napa Valley Barrel Auction weekend a “reunion.” And for good reason: It’s been 18 months since NVV announced the discontinuation of the famed Auction Napa Valley, and more than three years since Katy Perry headlined the organization’s last major live auction event. In its place is
The realm of wine and health research entered uncharted territory with a recent paper assessing the association between alcohol consumption and pituitary gland tumors. Analyzing data from three major studies, researchers found a substantial reduction in risk of developing pituitary adenoma among moderate wine drinkers. Adenomas, which are benign, non-cancerous tumors, can cause headaches, visual
Improve your English vocabulary and listening in just six minutes! For some, it’s a companion when it comes to relaxing at the end of a hard day. For others, it’s a complex elixir which requires study and involves almost a ritual. We are talking about wine. Rob and Sam talk about the life of a
Wine writer + expert Elaine Chukan Brown speaks with geologist and terroir specialist Brenna Quigley in Santa Barbara and Michael Sager, director of Sager + Wilde in the UK, focusing on California in a global context. Elaine, Michael and Brenna tour California’s diverse terroirs – from Los Angeles and Santa Barbara counties up to Napa
Every Monday Tom Cannavan of chooses a new wine of the week. For 18th January 2020 the Marqués de Casa Concha, Etiqueta Negra 2018, a Bordeaux blend from Chile
This guide shows you How To Make Red Wine Sauce Watch This and Other Related films here: Subscribe! Check Out Our Channel Page: Like Us On Facebook! Follow Us On Twitter!
Picking the 98 point La Violette Pomerol was a blast…
The Jordan cellar team practices the old-world winemaking technique of tallowing wine barrels: an art that has nearly vanished in modern day winemaking due to the invention of stainless-steel tanks. The doors of our circa-1976 oak barrel tanks are tallowed each winter for our newest Cabernet Sauvignon vintage.
More than 1,000 wine lovers gathered June 4 for Wine Spectator’s first 2022 Grand Tour stop, in Las Vegas, to taste more than 200 outstanding wines from around the world. Crowds were gathered around Orin Swift Cellars‘ booth, tasting the winery’s Eight Years in the Desert red blend. The excitement was further fueled by Wine
Have you ever wanted to get good at understanding wine. Well look no further than this educational resource on How To Taste Wine. Follow Videojug’s industry leaders as they direct you through this advice video. Subscribe! Check Out Our Channel Page: Like Us On Facebook! Follow Us On Twitter! Watch This
Wine writer + expert Elaine Chukan Brown speaks with Rodrigo Soto, estate director, Rebekah Wineburg, winemaker, at Quintessa in the Napa Valley, as well as Pedro Parra, PhD, wine terroir consultant, and wine producer. Born and raised in Chile and a student of agronomy, Rodrigo Soto gained experience in organic and biodynamic farming over the